Resume & Interview Toolkit

Once you've found a job or internship opportunity that interests you, your next step is to craft effective application materials. You should also prepare to demonstrate your professionalism and explain how you are qualified for the position in an interview with the employer. Career Advancement offers a series of tools below to help you with these phases of the application process. We highly encourage you to make an appointment with a career adviser to discuss the position, review your application materials, and practice interviewing.

Resume & Interview Toolkit IMAGE


A resume is intended to give an employer a snapshot of your background as it is relevant to a particular position. You may need more than one version of your resume if you are applying for positions in different fields.

Resume Drop Service

Have a draft resume that you haven’t had reviewed by a career adviser yet? Drop it for a virtual review here!

This is a great way to get feedback on the core content and format of your resume from experienced Career Advancement advisers. Simply access the resume drop here, upload your resume, and a member of our team will share feedback within five business days. Make sure to check out the resources above before submitting it for review!

First-Year Students

Please submit your resume here to have it reviewed by your first-year career adviser!

Cover Letters

A cover letter gives an employer a sample of your ability to write clearly and concisely. It is your chance to expand on your most relevant experience as well as show your enthusiasm for and interest in the position. A cover letter can truly make or break your application, so remember: If you are serious about getting the job, you cover letter must be tailored for each position.

Cover Letter Drop Service

Working on crafting a cover letter for an internship or job application? Don’t know where to start? Let us help! Drop it for a virtual review here!

This is a great way to get feedback from Career Advancement advisers on how to customize your cover letter for every internship and job application. Simply access the cover letter drop here, upload your cover letter, job description, and resume. A member of our team will share feedback within five business days. Make sure to check out the resources above before submitting it for review!

Employment Interviews

An interview is an opportunity for the employer to delve deeper into your skills and interests, and also to get a sense for what it might be like to have you as a part of their staff.