Posting Job Opportunities
For Undergraduates and Recent College Alumni
Job opportunities are made available to our undergraduate students and recent College alumni through the University's career services management system, UChicago Handshake.
To post a job:
First, create an employer account. Please note: You must use a company email to be approved
Next, create a company profile. Please note: It takes 1-2 business days to be approved.
For quick guides on how to use Handshake, including how to request approval to post on schools' job boards, how to post a job, etc., please refer to the following support page.
For answers to your specific questions, please contact Handshake Support.
Please note that job postings are reviewed and approved at the University's discretion, as is the opportunity for employers to register for our job board. Career Advancement reserves the right to permit or disallow an organization from registering with our job board and may also permit or disallow individual job postings.
If you have any questions, please contact our team at

Posting Job Opportunities for Alumni and Graduate Students
For alumni and graduate career services, please refer to the following:
Unpaid Internships
The University of Chicago encourages employers to offer paid experiences to the students who work for them.
For-profit employers are encouraged to consult the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) when considering an unpaid internship program.
In cases in which an employer must require a student to receive credit, the University of Chicago offers an internship practicum to its undergraduate students. For more information about internships for credit and the University of Chicago practicum, please contact