Chicago Booth MBA Programs

For decades, the College and Chicago Booth have worked closely together to empower UChicago students for career success. Some of the most distinguished UChicago alumni in business – including Byron Trott (AB’81, MBA’82, University Trustee), Karen Katen (AB’70, MBA’74, University Trustee), Brady Dougan (AB’81, MBA’82, University Trustee), and Joseph Mansueto (AB’78, MBA’80) – have combined a liberal arts College education with a specialized Chicago Booth MBA to become leaders in their field.

You have an opportunity to continue this historic legacy. The College and Chicago Booth are offering special programs for UChicago undergraduates of all majors to earn an MBA and start their career in the fast lane.

Chicago Booth Harper Center

Launch Your Career with an MBA

You can advance your career and continue your studies right here at UChicago by enrolling in Chicago Booth's MBA programs.

Getting your MBA from Chicago Booth unlocks several powerful benefits:

  • Positions you for executive leadership roles

  • Boosts your earning potential

  • Connects you with Chicago Booth’s extensive network of top employers

  • Gives you the opportunity to study with internationally renowned faculty experts

You can really get your career on the fast track by taking advantage of the Chicago Booth Scholars Program, which allows you to secure your spot in the MBA class during your final year in the College and then pursue work experience before starting your MBA coursework. Each year, UChicago has the highest representation of applicants and students admitted to Booth Scholars of any college in the world.

UChicago students are also eligible for the Accelerated MBA Option, a special track within the Chicago Booth Scholars Program that allows you to count Booth courses taken as an undergraduate toward your MBA. Students who have taken four or more BUSN courses during their time in the College and apply for the Accelerated MBA Option may qualify for a GMAT or GRE waiver.

Both of these programs welcome students of all majors and professional interests!

Which MBA Program is Right for Me?

Accelerated MBA Option

  • Save time and money by counting up to six Booth courses taken as an undergraduate towards your MBA

  • Potentially qualify for GMAT/GRE waiver if you've taken four or more BUSN courses

  • Reserve your spot in the MBA class by applying to the Chicago Booth Scholars Program

  • Gain one to two years of full-time work experience before enrolling at Chicago Booth

  • Shorten your time to degree to as little as 12 months

Traditional Chicago Booth Scholars Program

  • No need to take Booth courses as an undergraduate

  • Secure your spot in Chicago Booth’s Full-Time MBA Program during your final year in the College

  • Work full-time for two to five years before starting MBA program

  • Gain access to resources, events, and programming during deferral period

  • Complete MBA degree after two years of coursework

QuestBridge MBA Match Opportunity

The QuestBridge Graduate School Match gives QuestBridge alumni the opportunity to apply for admission and full-tuition scholarships for Chicago Booth's MBA program. This opportunity is for students who apply through the traditional Full-Time MBA admissions process - students in the Chicago Booth Scholars or Accelerated MBA track do not qualify. Visit the QuestBridge website to learn more and apply!

Where You Can Go with a Booth MBA

Chicago Booth alumni secure employment in a wide range of industries, including consulting, corporate strategy, investment banking, marketing, private equity, technology, and venture capital. Employers that have hired recent Booth alumni include:

  • Accenture

  • Amazon

  • Bain & Co.

  • Bank of America

  • The Boston Consulting Group

  • Citigroup

  • Credit Suisse

  • Ernst & Young

  • Facebook

  • Goldman Sachs

  • Google

  • JP Morgan

  • Microsoft

  • McKinsey & Co.

  • Morgan Stanley

Learn More

Take advantage of the following resources to learn more about all that Chicago Booth offers: